International Enforcement and Asset Recovery
Translating victories on paper into tangible wins with targeted collection strategies.
An introduction to International
Enforcement & Asset Recovery.
For many of our clients, a judgment or award in their favour may be the end of the adjudicatory process, but it is only the start of the most critical phase: obtaining effective, practical recourse against a counterparty’s assets. In an interconnected world where judgment debtors operate in multiple jurisdictions under the guise of complex structures, enforcement increasingly calls for targeted collection strategies and specialised subject-matter knowledge in matters of private international law, trusts, and procedure.
That’s where we come in, to help our clients to translate their victories on paper into tangible wins. Our lawyers have acted for numerous corporate and individual clients in the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, as well as proceedings under the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards. Our lawyers have also represented states and investors alike in the enforcement of awards under the ICSID convention.
Our Representative Experience
Acted for a private equity fund with over $20 billion in capital under management in various enforcement proceedings for the recovery of over $220 million arising from distressed situations in China.
Acted in the enforcement of an ICSID award for over $370 million arising from expropriation of assets, against a South American state and its state-owned entities.
Acted for special situations funds in enforcement actions against an Indonesian tycoon and his companies arising from default in a $200 million facility, with multiple proceedings in Singapore and Indonesia.
Acted in the enforcement of an ICSID award for $200 million arising from the expropriation of assets against an African state, and its state-owned entities.
Acted for MAN Diesel in the enforcement of an international commercial arbitration award arising from a dispute relating to the design and supply of marine diesel engines and propellers, a case that spawned a ground breaking judgment where certain legal issues relating to the enforcement of arbitral awards were engaged and determined for the first time by the Singapore High Court.
Acted in the enforcement of an award for over $70 million arising from fraud in the development of oil fields, against a Russian state-linked entity, that have spawned proceedings in Cyprus, the Netherlands, Singapore, US, and UK.
Acted for syndicated lenders in the enforcement actions against an Indonesian tycoon and his conglomerate arising from the default of a $150 million facility, which involved novel issues of Indonesian law.
*The representative cases above include matters which our lawyers worked on in other firms prior to Setia Law LLC.
Agile, Intuitive
& Relentless